CINEMA TICK TACK | Mechelsesteenweg 247, 2018 Antwerp (BE) |
Thu. 25 JUL. 2019 | 22:00 |

Main Supply Route: The route designated within conflict areas upon which the bulk of traffic flows in support of military operations.

Once halted along the 'Military Convoy MSR' we are confronted with the travails and tactics of a group of 'survivors', i.e., a pack of stray dogs that inexplicably stranded in this antagonistic environment. In an attempt to counter the oppressive temperatures and perpetual sandstorms, the animals restlessly seek shelter behind scattered pieces of waste that hint at yet an other but virtually unattainable, industrialised world. Seemingly tyrannized, the dogs dig holes in the hot sand surface. Occasionally they clash and bark as they negotiate their respective places in the grit...
CINEMA TICK TACK CTT is a new and exclusive platform that brings video and digital art to the public space. Reaching numerous of passersby and commuters on a daily basis, CTT serves as a channel, stimulating a connection in its urban setting.
For two months, from June 10 to August 17, the HISK - Higher Institute for Fine Arts will present a selection made by HISK curator Daniella Géo of moving image works by artists that are or were part of the HISK programme during its over 20 years of existence. Video's are screened on a daily basis on CINEMA TICK TACK.
The full programme can be found here