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EVENT | The Climate Projections - Frank Theys | 4 JUNE 2022 | 17:00 - 18:30

BOZAR | Studio

Ravensteinstraat 23, 1000 Brussel

Global warming is causing chaotic chain reactions of chemical, geographic, environmental, demographic and social processes of which no one can predict exactly what will happen – also because it has never happened before. Nevertheless, researchers are getting a better picture. Filmmaker and visual artist Frank Theys invites a few experts to literally map out and discuss the possible consequences around a world map. The idea of The Climate Projections is to visualize global changes due to climate change on a world map. On a large table, Frank Theys will paint a world map and invite each speaker to use paint and brush to indicate the possible changes that could take place during this century, seen from different angles - geological, ecological, geopolitical, migration, mitigation. The presentation will consist of 3 acts, with a best-case scenario, a middle-ground scenario and a worst-case scenario, and will be followed by a discussion with the audience.


  • Prof. dr. Dr. Philippe Huybrecht, glacioloog en climatoloog aan de VUB en hoofdauteur van het 6de IPCC Klimaatrapport, Werkgroep 1.

  • Dr. Mara Baudena, ecoloog aan het Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC) in Turijn, Italië

  • Kolonel Roger Housen, voormalig kolonel van de Belgische Landmacht en conflicanalist bij de NAVO.

  • Dr. Lore van Praag, socioloog, directeur van het Center for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) aan de Universiteit van Antwerpen


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