OPERADAGEN ROTTERDAM | Nieuwe Luxor Theater, Amsterdam (NL) |
18 MAY 2018 | 20:30 |
19 MAY 2018 | 20:30 |
Under the motto of LOST AND FOUND, Operadagen Rotterdam embarked on a ground-breaking quest last year. Where is society headed? What are the latest forms of contemporary opera and music theatre? What are the most current topics? We continue our journey in 2018 with the sub-theme of HEROISM. It is about the challenges and ordeals that are part and parcel of every adventure. Often the darkest days of the voyage but these are also the moments when people can show true courage.
How do we respond to the global crisis? Philosopher Peter Sloterdijk exhorts us to change our lives ourselves, without the help of god. Slavoj Žižek compares the way we think and act to a grieving process: from denial to anger to acceptance. In ‘Earth Diver’, Wouter Van Looy wants to delve deep into these moods and link philosophical thoughts together with music, literature and visuals.
In times of plague and war, the works of Heinrich Schütz gave a religious meaning to suffering and promised immortality. Nikolaus Brass responds with new choral compositions. Vocal artist Phil Minton articulates the interior monologue of writer Paul Verrept about our view of the world and our own actions. Wim Catrysse’s images cast a sinister and visionary eye over a society in the final stage of industry.
Production: Muziektheater Transparant and ChorWerk Ruhr.
Co-production: Opera Dagen Rotterdam, MAfestival, Ruhrtriennale, B’Rock Orchestra and Escautville. With the support of the Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF).